Welcome to my blog

If you have an open mind, if you feel that there is something else that they dont want us to know or if you have already seen proves of it, if you are tired of being manipulated by the governement and the media and if you refuse to give away your freedom than this blog is for you.

I congratulate you right away, because if information is our best weapon,you just gave one more step to make it stronger.

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010


I’ve created this blog with the gold of alerting the most people possible, to alert them of what is really going on politically and socially, the “non-official” versions, the ones that the government don’t want us to know in order to keep its supremacy.


I don’t want to say that “this is the only true version, this is the only and supreme reality”, I don’t want to create any religion or something else that helps people to give away they critical sense, that is something that I’ll make an effort to awake on the people that read this blog.

Some of us have already realize some evidences others, maybe because of the educational and social system is so deep in them, haven’t yet, but we all seem to agree in something : “ There is something else that I don’t know”. We all seem to share that increasingly feeling of distrust of the reality that is sold to us, and that is the first step. Informing the population have became urgent, because it’s the only way to prevent it´s control in every levels.


Francis Bacon said: “there is no knowledge that isn’t power” and my grandparents always say to me that “knowledge occupies no space” so… what do you have to loose?
Welcome to my blog and feel free to give your opinions in comments.

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